PhD in Economics

Programme Mission:
To create scholars equipped with advanced skills in strategic quantitative and qualitative research methods with deep understanding of the core economics issues and the ability to collaborate with a variety of stakeholders and make significant contributions in the areas of national and international economics.

Field: Industrial Organization Field: Development Economics Field: Macroeconomics and Political Economy
Winter Term: Sept. – Dec Winter Term: Sept. – Dec Winter Term: Sept. – Dec
  1. Theories of Advanced Economic Growth (ECO 821)
  2. Theories of Advanced Economic Industrial Organization (ECO 811)
  3. Advanced Method of Microeconometrics (ECO 802)
  1. Theories of Advanced Economic Growth (ECO 821)
  2. Theories of Advanced Economic Industrial Organization (ECO 811)
  3. Advanced Method of Microeconometrics (ECO 802)
  1. Theories of Advanced Economic Growth (ECO 821)
  2. Theories of Advanced Economic Industrial Organization (ECO 811)
  3. Advanced Method of Microeconometrics (ECO 802)
Spring Term: Jan. – May Spring Term: Jan. – May Spring Term: Jan. – May
  1. Empirical Industrial Organization (ECO 812)
  2. Organizational and Institutional Economics (ECO 813)
  3. Theories of Development Economics (ECO 831)
  1. Empirical Development Economics (ECO 832)
  2. Theories of Development Economics (ECO 831)
  3. Labor Economics (ECO 833)
  1. Macro and Trade Policy (ECO 823)
  2. Political Economy (ECO 822)
  3. Macroeconometrics (ECO 801)

Length of PhD in Economics Programme and Graduation Requirements: The PhD in Economics Programme is a 4 to 5 year degree programme requiring completion of 18 credit hours of coursework with a CGPA of 3.0 and a PhD dissertation.
Credit Hours and Courses: All courses are three credit hours each.
Semester Schedule: The academic year consists of 2 Semesters (Winter and Spring). The Winter Semester from September – December and Spring Semester from January - May consist of 16 -18 weeks.
Entrance Requirements: Admission to the Lahore School’s PhD in Economics programme is regulated through GRE and HAT 3- Social Sciences, a Lahore School Admissions Test, evaluation of a Research Proposal/Statement of Purpose and an interview process. Candidates with a MS/MPhil or equivalent eighteen years of schooling with a minimum CGPA of 3.0 and above are eligible to apply to the PhD in Economics programme.

The Lahore School of Economics has the right to make modifications in its Policies including Admission Policies, Fees, Courses, Course Sequence, Seminar, Tutorial and Graduation requirements for any Undergraduate/ Graduate Programme.The School also reserves the right to prescribe pre-requisite course work to a candidate exclusive of regular coursework for the MS/MPhil/PhD Program