PhD in Business Administration

Programme Mission:
To produce knowledge via research on issues relevant to the business organizations operating in the competitive and increasingly globalized environment by grooming scholars who can influence the creation of value through intellectual leadership, teaching excellence, and global dialogues on entrepreneurial and managerial activities.

STREAM 1: Management
Year One
STREAM 2: Marketing
Year One
STREAM 3: Finance
Year One
Winter Term: Sept. – Dec Winter Term: Sept. – Dec Winter Term: Sept. – Dec
  1. Qualitative and Mixed Research Methods in Business (MGT 809)
  2. Seminar: Organizational Behavior(MGT 803)
  3. Seminar: Human Resource Mgmt (MGT 805)
  1. Qualitative and Mixed Research Methods Business (MGT 809)
  2. Seminar: Marketing Theory and Research (MKT 808)
  3. Seminar: Consumer Behavior (MKT 810)
  1. Qualitative and Mixed Research Methods Business (MGT 809)
  2. Seminar: Survey of Financial Theories (FNC 801)
  3. Seminar: Derivatives and Instruments(FNC 805)
Spring Term: Jan. – May Spring Term: Jan. – May Spring Term: Jan. – May
  1. Seminar: Business Policy and Strategy (MGT 806)
  2. Seminar: Organization and Management Theory (MGT 804)
  3. Optional from the list below
  1. Seminar: International Marketing (MKT 806)
  2. Seminar: Business Policy and Strategy (MGT 806)
  3. Optional from the list below
  1. Seminar: Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management (FNC 802)
  2. Seminar: Behavioral Finance (FNC 807)
  3. Optional from the list below
Optional Optional Optional
  1. Seminar: Production and Operations Mgmt (MGT 802)
  2. Seminar: Organizational Performance (MGT 810)
  3. Advanced Econometrics (ECO 804)
  4. Applied Statistical Models for Business Research (SQA 804)
  1. Seminar: Inter- Organizational Marketing (MKT 809)
  2. Seminar: Measurement and Data Analysis in Marketing (MKT 807)
  3. Promotion and Advertising (MKT 812)
  4. Advanced Econometrics (ECO 804)
  5. Applied Statistical Models for Business Research (SQA 804)
  1. Seminar: Global Financial System and International Finance (FNC 808)
  2. Seminar: Empirical Corporate Finance (FNC 803)
  3. Advanced Econometrics (ECO 804)
  4. Applied Statistical Models for Business Research (SQA 804)

Length of PhD in Business Administration Programme and Graduation Requirements: The PhD in Business Administration Programme is a 4 to 5 year degree programme requiring completion of minimum 18 credit hours of coursework (excluding the pre-requisite courses) with a CGPA of 3.0 and a PhD dissertation.
Credit Hours and Courses: All courses are three credit hours each.
Semester Schedule:  The academic year consists of 2 Semesters (Winter and Spring). The Winter Semester from September – December and Spring Semester from January - May consist of 16 -18 weeks.
Entrance Requirements:  Admission to the Lahore School’s PhD in Business Administration programme is regulated through HAT 2- Management Sciences, Business Education, a Lahore School admissions test, evaluation of a Research Proposal/Statement of Purpose and an interview process. Candidates with an MBA/ MS/ MPhil or equivalent eighteen years of schooling (in business administration related areas) with a minimum CGPA of 3.0 and above are eligible to apply to the PhD in Business Administration programme.

Pre-requisites: Applicants to PhD degree program must demonstrate competency, (preferably through 600/700 level coursework) in 4 courses namely 1) Advanced Research Methods in Business 2) Econometrics and Advanced Statistical Methods for Business Research 3) Advanced Marketing Research 4) Applied Multivariate Statistics or any other courses to cover the deficiency areas to be determined by the admissions committee by joining the Lahore School’s Post Graduate Prerequisites to PhD Programme. Admission to the Lahore School’s Post Graduate Pre-requisites to the PhD Programme will be decided by the Dean of Faculty.   The time period spent by a candidate for completing the pre-requisite requirement will not be counted toward maximum 8-years allowed for completion of PhD degree requirements.

The Lahore School of Economics has the right to make modifications in its Policies including Admission Policies, Fees, Courses, Course Sequence, Seminar, Tutorial and Graduation requirements for any Undergraduate/ Graduate Programme. The School also reserves the right to prescribe pre- requisite course work to a candidate exclusive of regular coursework for the MS/MPhil/PhD Program